School Information


Call (714) 997-6271  to report your child’s absence from school.

Please identify yourself and state your child’s name, grade level, and teacher, and give the date and reason for absence.

Your child cannot return to school until he/she is fever-free for at least 24 hours, without medication.


For the safety of our students,

all volunteers and visitors to the school must sign in and out at the front office.


·If you need to pick your child up early from school, you must report to the office to sign your child out.

Be sure you are on time when picking your child up after school.  Students picked up late must be signed out of the office.

Children can only be picked up by a parent or authorized person, as listed on the student’s emergency card. 


If your child requires medication at school, the medication must be kept in the health office and administered by school personnel.

By law, the school must follow these procedures:

·Medicine must be in the original pharmacy bottle, labeled by the pharmacist.

Parent and physician both must sign a consent form prior to medication being administered.  Consent forms are available in the school office.

Medication must be brought to school by the parent or guardian.  At no time can medication arrive at school in a backpack, lunch box, etc.  These regulations also apply to non-prescription medications, including aspirin, ibuprofen, vitamins, cough syrup, cough drops, ointments, etc.