Page 8 - User Friendly Budget
P. 8

General Fund Expenditures

      2017-18 Revised Budget – September 14, 2017


      Certificated Salaries                           $128,131,699           A PEOPLE BUSINESS

      Classified Salaries                               $45,873,012          Education is a service-oriented
                                                                             business  where  students  are
      Employee Benefits                                 $72,106,444
                                                                             served  by  teachers  and  sup-
      Books and Supplies                                $13,413,828          port service providers.

      Services and Other Operating                      $25,117,480          Approximately 84% of General
                                                                             Fund expenditures are for em-
      Capital Outlay                                              $0
                                                                             ployees,  including  those  who
      Other/Transfers Out                                $9,610,117          directly  serve  the  children  of
                                                                             this District.
      TOTAL EXPENSES                                  $294,252,580
                                                                             Services  are  provided  by
                                                                             teachers,  nurses,  counselors,
            The General Fund Expenditures for 2017-18 are projected          librarians,         psychologists,
        at  $294M,  with  approximately  84%  of  those  expenses  ear-
        marked to cover the salaries and benefits of teachers and sup-       speech  therapists,  custodians,
        port  service  providers.    Salaries  and  benefits  are  projected   secretaries,  clerks,  mainte-
        based on established staffing ratios and Board approved posi-        nance  workers,  bus  drivers,
        tions.    In  addition,  budget  allocations  are  provided  to  each
        school site on a per-student basis to cover operational costs        mechanics,  technical  support
        like instructional materials, postage, printing, office, and li-     personnel,  instructional  aides,
        brary supplies.
                                                                             coaches,  substitutes,  princi-
            Expenses  associated  with  State  and  Federal  categorical     pals,  supervisors,  and  other
        programs are projected not-to-exceed program revenues, ex-
        cept  Special  Education  Master  Plan  since  the  apportioned      administrative      and     support
        state  funds  are  inadequate  to  meet  the  needs  of  students    staff.
        served.    The  General  Fund  contribution  to  categorical  pro-
        grams  including  Special  Education,  Routine  Restricted           Since  our  business  relies  so
        Maintenance,  net  with  Career  Technical  Education  support       heavily  on  people,  our  budget
        from  the  Orange  County  Department  of  Education  totals         is impacted by increasing costs
                                                                             of  employee  benefits  and  by
            Stakeholders often inquire about the use of Lottery funds,
        which represents 2% of our annual General Fund budget or             the  cost  to  attract  and  retain
        approximately $5M ($194 per ADA).  The District uses the             quality  employees  who  are
        funds to purchase textbooks aligned to the new State Stand-          qualified to serve our children.
        ards  and  other  instructional  materials  and  to  support  high
        school athletic programs.

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