Registration Information

** Students entering 7th Grade need proof of Tdap immunization.
** Proof of address is required before your student can begin school.


Welcome to Portola's registration page. Please read the information below carefully.

The first column below has all of the registration documents needed specifcially for Portola Middle School.

The second column below is linked to the required Orange Unified School District required documentation, as well as a link to begin the online registration process.

  • PLEASE bring the forms with you, filled out, when you come to Portola Middle School to register your son or daughter for school.

Note:  When filling out online documents, only the highlighted fields (except signatures) are accessible for completion on the required forms.  You may tab into each highlighted field or click into it with your mouse to enter text.


* English y Español

***FOR NEW STUDENTS (New to Orange Unified School District) - PLEASE SEE THE PORTOLA REGISTRAR***


Forms to complete and return to the Portola Registrar

You must have Adobe Reader version 5.0 or higher on your computer to view and use the fillable forms.  Note:  Forms can be printed from and saved to your computer, but changes you make to the forms cannot be saved with Adobe Reader.  Click the Get Adobe Reader icon below to install this free software.

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